Ionic 4 HTTP CORS Issue

Ionic 4 is a major upgrade to previous version of Ionic. One of the primary differences between Ionic 4 and its previous incarnations is that Ionic 4 uses web components, which are custom HTML elements written using web standards (as opposed to using a slap-on framework such as Angular). Ionic …

Downloading & opening a file in an Ionic app

If you search the Internet for examples to achieve the above, you'll get a number of resources that suggest using the cordova-file-transfer plugin. However, with Ionic 3+ and its native API, you can do this directly using a mix of Angular and Ionic File API. Essentially, you need to use …

Cordova build errors

Had this unusual errors crop up when building a cordova app for android. This started appearing after I installed cordova-plugin-file-opener2. ERROR: In FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:fontVariationSettings ERROR: In FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:ttcIndex Going through [platforms/android/] file, I …