Notes of the day

A recent project requirement from a customer for a cross-platform solution prompted me to look into viable frameworks for this. Based on my knowledge of languages (C++, Python & Javascript), I narrowed the potential solutions to wxWidgets & Git Electron. Since I have been spending some time with Python over the last …

Downloading & opening a file in an Ionic app

If you search the Internet for examples to achieve the above, you'll get a number of resources that suggest using the cordova-file-transfer plugin. However, with Ionic 3+ and its native API, you can do this directly using a mix of Angular and Ionic File API. Essentially, you need to use …

Cordova build errors

Had this unusual errors crop up when building a cordova app for android. This started appearing after I installed cordova-plugin-file-opener2. ERROR: In FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:fontVariationSettings ERROR: In FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:ttcIndex Going through [platforms/android/] file, I …

Celery on Windows

Running celery on Windows, shows the following error when tasks are queued to be executed: ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 0) The way to fix this is to add --pool=solo to the celery daemon command line. This makes celery run as a solo process and …

Steps to Install Redis server

Few steps necessary to build and install Redis on a server. There are no pre-built packages available for you to apt-get install it. So you have to grab the source, compile and install the generated binaries. Fortunately it all goes pretty smooth. $ wget …